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- Leaves
On the layers of fall, and a free item in the Farm Shop!

A young sugar maple springs from the soil with a newly fallen sugar maple leaf at its feet. Surrounding the tree are supporting leaves from various members of the forest.
While we were looking for sugar maples in a neighbor’s woods one beautiful October afternoon, this scene struck me.
The young tree grows amidst the support of elders, and its color is bright because of them.
Thanks for Reading!
And I hope you feel refreshed and rejuvenated for the week ahead with this moment preserved in picture and prose. Consider:
What kinds of layers do you see around you today?
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This Week on the Farm
Last week’s “Cat in Command” became this week’s “Cat in Repose.”

We were looking for sugar maples in preparation for boiling maple sap into syrup. Winter prep also continues, and so does prep for Light in Winter: The Exhibition. To support the exhibition, click here by Dec. 1 for your special Light in Winter gifts.
Farm Shop
This week’s featured item is FREE! Look for our llama GIF in the GIPHY app for any messages of surprise you want to text to your friends!

Photos and GIF Idea by Jeff